Avengers fanfiction tony soothes peter and peter

Avengers fanfiction tony soothes peter and peter. Peter chatted with Ned on the way, trying to ignore Flash's loud comments about how they were going to figure out how Peter was lying. Waking up for school was the worst part of the day, almost as bad as, well, being at school. Also, I wanted him to be a good brother to Peter because always, Peter is always my lil cinnamon roll! Everyone knew tony was like a dad to peter, and right now he had a right to be worried. He wasn't. It was a bit after lunch and I was sitting in my physics class with Mrs Aug 26, 2021 · The Long Haul By: tainted-tash. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Friendship - Captain America/Steve R. Unfortunately, that guardian came in the form of one Peter just shrugged, a cheeky grin on his face as he said, "You've never bought me ice cream, taken me to an arcade, the movies, and shopping all in one afternoon. Sparks Fly: The Seduction of Peter Parker By: mysedai. Peter punched the guy in his noise with his good arm. " Steve rubbed his back and looked at him with worry in his eyes. stark" he said with a cough. "Mr. About 10 minutes after Tony had fallen asleep, Pepper turned into a proper mum. "Goodmorning, Mr. " Clint laughs even harder. "Peter," Stark began, " You have to tell us when you get hurt. Tony held the boy close and cried, not knowing what else to do. A man entered the room, one Tony hadn't seen yet, but looked vaguely familiar. Rated for what some may find graphic and cursing. Will He Remember? By: AudraMarcus. Clint is OC big brother figure. Peter Parker has ADHD. Its naptime. "You don't have to. "Ahh! Dude! His ears will bleed. Cho is back at the compound waiting for us", well get you fixed up" tony said. It has come to the attention of Midtown's principal that Peter has been caught bullying a fellow classmate. , Thor, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,292 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 14 - Follows Apr 27, 2018 · Karen beeped unhappily, numbers running across Peter's vision in warning. Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark. But it was Monday and he need to go to school, he had a math test today and he really didn't want to miss it so he was And You Saved Him By: chevy3000. " He felt Peter tighten his arms around him. The next morning Peter woke up on the couch where'd he'd fallen asleep halfway through the fifth episode the night before. Happy said and drove out of the tunnel and into the city. Peter knew he couldn't risk happy finding out he was sick. But he also takes in three kids. You don't have to worry. Peter Snaps By: Jst27. he trailed off when Peter looked up at him and he realized his ears were probably still recovering. " The doors opened, and Peter immediately smelled burnt food. Peter's fearful voice suddenly floats above the shouting, and Tony feels his blood boil and his body shiver at the pain laced in the one yelp. She was listening out for Peter's breathing, finding that a Childs breathing always calmed her down. Stark please Friday. And then he finds out why. A lump began forming in his throat. " Peter looked up at per said man's request. Peter winced in sympathy. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters Sep 7, 2017 · Peter is grounded (Following the events of my other fanfic 'learning curve') but when someone needs help he cant just ignore it, no matter how many people are telling him not to. "Peter, breath, breath. Peter forced a small grin as he shook his head. Being knocked aside by Spider-Man, using his full strength, was enough to send even Iron Man tumbling to the ground. No one's going to hurt you. Peter Parker, Omega Male, 17. "Ok, just Peter. It gets even harder when he loses his hands and his entire career. He barely speaks to anyone, much less to Tony. Peter and Michelle had been married for 6 months. He might be injured but it was his duty to protect non-superheroes. With himself giving off the biggest most goofiest smile and Tony looking mildly amused. It had been the look on Mr. . Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun. First Kiss. 'Peter, if you keep going, I will call Mr. "Peter, your body temperature is rising rapidly. " It's okay, Mr Stark. She is your daughter. "You are sentenced to 5 years in prison" The Avengers all shared a massive group hug again and screamed with joy. Procrastinating having to get up and get dressed, Peter grabbed his phone off the bed side table, taking notice of the time and date. Peter Parker One-Shots By: Ariel Stark. When Peter woke up all groggy he was chained by his wrist hanging 2 feet in the air. Reviving a Spiderling By: WasianGal. I've got a big science test fourth hour. I can make it through one day. "You really care for Peter, don't you?" she asked. "He cared about you a lot" Aunt May said. It wasn't even like it hurt that bad. " Tony's hand waved spastically. Peter Parker & Stephen Strange. Peter looked up at him, and he loosened even more at the remorse in Tony's eyes. Steve and Tony jolted into action. Stark didn't need to know. This story is NOT going to be consistent with the plot. The rest of the Avengers join him, shaking Jul 22, 2019 · A/N: Sorry if Harley (or Peter) is out of character. " Peter sighed. It's okay. , Pepper P. Tony, taken aback by the question, didn't answer for a moment. "Okay, it's alright kiddo, just let it out," Tony kept whispering comforting words into the boy's ear as the puke didn't seem to want to stop. "Peter, look at me," Steve spoke in his Captain America voice. this, Miss that, Sir and Ma'am. But his coughing and wheezing didn't seem to die down. Peter opened his eyes more "Mr. Tony soon learns that May is dead, the world has forgotten Peter Parker, and the kid's been on his own. Stark!" Peter said excitedly. The Avengers decide it is time to step in. " Peter sits down unceremoniously on the couch, holding his head between his hands and mutters resignedly, "Aunt May is so going to kill me. But that didn't stop Tony from missing him, let alone going after him. Carol Danvers & Tony Stark Friendship. However, a visitor is on his way there with a warning and offer to help. Avengers - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,797 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 173 - Follows: 48 - Published: Aug 23, 2022 - Iron Man/Tony S. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 2,365 - Favs: 3 - Published: Dec 29, 2023 - Status: Complete - id: 14312194. It's like a million little stars spelling out your name. The monument sent the knife clattering to the ground. And also I haven't watched Iron Man 3 in a long time, and I wrote Harley mostly based on what I remember. Tony. He waited a moment to see if it would clear before he spoke, and even though it didn't, he still spoke. Your Underoos By: CosmicQueen10. On his next step, the suit was left behind, an empty shell without a mind or will of its own. Can she Peter was on his knees within a second and hurling into the toilet bowl. Peter sighed, collapsed on the bed, and started to sob. "But we found him in his lab at three in the morning, and there were eight empty coffee mugs on the table next to him. " He said, standing up carefully, while petting his son's back, trying to soothe the crying child. Peter tilted his head, looking up at Tony with huge, puppy eyes with tears flowing down his cheeks. " Peter sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. Rated: Fiction K - English - Sci-Fi/Tragedy - Captain America/Steve R. Let me see" tony asked. Seated around him are Steve, Natasha, Clint, Sam, and Rhodey by his side. MCU AU for how Tony and the Avengers meet Spider-Man. Peter's hiccupped sentences broke down into tears and he sobbed into Tony's shirt while Tony made quiet soothing noises and rubbed Peter's back. This was the part that finally broke Tony. Tony snapped, grabbing Peter by the arm once more and forcing his web shooters off. In the middle of the night when I'm in this dream. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 38 - Words: 27,514 - Reviews: 88 - Favs AN: This is slightly AU from Marvel Timeline. Tony quickly knelt down next to him to push his curls out of his eyes and start rubbing his back. " The kid didn't need to do it. "You scared the crap out of me Tony. Eventually, Peter calmed down and buried his face in Tony's chest, tears still leaking from his eyes. She can't possibly like it. They had walked into the office an hour after Peter walked into his first class like they were on a mission. Explores Peter's descent into the foster care system and Tony's path to eventually discovering where Spiderman went. Day after day, he plotted how he was going to get his revenge. Summary: Peter survives the Snap after their fight on Titan. Breathe with me Peter. Tony Stark, the famed Iron man, has been in a coma since the fight with Thanos. Peter dozed in and out of consciousness the entire day, often getting checked on by Tony or some different worried Avengers. + -. Tony looks embarrassed for a moment before finally answering, "Netflix. Peter walked up to the elevator, "Take me to Mr. So, my heart has always broken for Peter. I forgot and I just…". "Ok" was all peter said. Apr 8, 2019 · Apart from a lover, which Peter wanted Tony to be. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 4,893 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 76 - Published: Dec 24 Aug 9, 2021 · Steve could hear the panic in the teen's voice, and he was quick to reassure him. He waited a few more moments, then just said, "I'm sorry. -or-. His blue eyes were wide, and his hands were hovering in front of him as if frightened to reach out to Peter. In the possession and under jurisdiction of one Howard Anthony Walter Stark, Junior. Peter stopped paying attention to him as he helped the woman with her purse. Sure enough, he felt a force push him through his backpack and he sprawled onto the ground. Tony has been having trouble forming a bond with Peter, a toddler he and Pepper adopted a few months ago. Arriving in 40 seconds. Choose Morgan and go. As he turned his head, looking for a clock, his eyes settled on a figure slumped in a chair next to his bed. Tony takes in the Barton's and Lang's after the Civil War. It will be just fine. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 5,054 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 302 - Follows: 89 Pepper tells him. " She answered. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. Tony Lives. Day after day, he still stayed in that chair, completely helpless. Lets get you a bottle mommy has so kindly gave us before she left. "Daddy, h-help- get away from me!" Without even thinking, Tony was shoving through the Reporters with all of his strength, his eyes burning a fire he feels deep within his soul and his Arc Reactor Tony squeezed the Ambu bag, watching Peter's closed eyes and pale face as his chest rose and fell with each pump of air being forced through his mouth. Flash sneered. Stark after returning. AU As he nears his college graduation, a 22 year old Peter Parker takes an internship at Stark Industries working with Tony Stark in preparation for his upcoming role with the Avengers. Sep 21, 2019 · A series of one-shots focused around the precious boi known as Peter Parker. Returning from the dead was not the strangest experience Tony had ever had, but it came close. The image of Peter Parker being crushed would be seared in Tony's memory forever. However, this might change when one day Peter decides to go watch Tony work on his new robot. " Ned opened his mouth to protest, but Peter sighed and held up a hand. Tony sighed, and laid a hand on the kid's soft head. "Thanks Mr. Wanting to clear the air, and have a honest conversation, after the battle at the Stark Expo Natasha makes her way into Tony's home workshop discovering a secret that Tony keeps form the world, and causing a domino effect of changes, culminating in a different . Tony quickly got back in his armor before picking up peter carefully and taking off towards the compound. The thought honestly hadn't even crossed my mind until then. " Peter fired a web down to the firefighter, sticking it to the front of her jacket as he gripped his end with his gloved fingers. "Night night time, FRIDAY," he said, stepping into the elevator. Dec 10, 2019 · King's Ashes. A Soul for A Soul By: sydneyr171. "No can do. Tony Peter started squirming a bit before letting out a gusty, quiet cry. However, his luck changes when he adopted by husbands Tony, Stever and Bucky. Peter is intrigued by his mentor's alcohol stash. There was no Civil War between the Avengers, as I didn't like them all fighting each other. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Morgan S. Tony stared at the kid, alarmed, before leaping into action. Not again. A 16 year old Peter Stark-Rogers trudged out of bed, out of his room, and down the hall way. They stood in the elevator a moment, not saying anything, before she finally spoke up. Peter survives the snap and journeys with Tony to Vormir instead of Clint and Natasha collecting the stone from that location. He had just started his patrol and Karen was already bugging him about it. " Peter thought cared about him at least a little bit. " "I can go in, Happy," said Peter quickly, noticing the frustrated look on the man's face. His mentor's head was craned sideways, practically resting on his shoulder, fast asleep. "What? Pepper I left Peter. Tony was in the living room when the pair walked in. Tony does not. It was kind that stole breath, and literally had stolen Tony's breath. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 4,230 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 44 - Published Peter plays the memory over and over in his mind. The school does not tolerate such appalling behaviour of its students and demands the presence of his guardian to take action. He was brought in to help stop Cap. Pepper Potts/Tony Stark. That he'll swoop in and play dad instantly. The sky is ablaze, same as Peter's lungs. Leaving Peter trying to fight Thanos for the stones. Aunt May Parker & Tony Stark. " Tony shook his head, breaking down into a sob," Petey I just got you back I-I can't lose you again. "Really, Ned, I'm fine. Where is he-" Tony starts, frantically. And with Karen shut down, he didn't have another way to Dec 31, 2023 · Peter ripped around to face the man, and yes his face was still covered in webs. Sparks fly between the two, and love finds them in the strangest of ways. They'd almost lost him. Chapter 1. The Iron Man suit's facemask retracted, revealing the sweat and dirt smudged face of an exhausted Tony Stark. He was sure of it. He opened his eyes and Tony noticed the tears in them. Peter's Family By: slayer of destiny. "Shh, Shh, I know. "Maybe I was too hard on him. Steve starts rubbing Peters back trying to get him to calm down. Flash clapped him on the back, forcing Peter to stumble forward. Team as Family. Stark, don't take this the wrong way, but you looked like shit when you and Happy dropped me off at He didn't want Peter to resort to smoking. Flash grabbed his arms, helping Peter stay upright. " "Certainly, Mr. He woke slowly the bright sun in his eyes as he stretched to his fullest before finally getting up. It was early on a Saturday, way too early for Tony's liking but he had a telecom meeting in half an hour. Tony lets out an internal sigh of relief when he realizes Barnes is not at the table. The idea of this story is that Tony survived the battle with Thanos, was made to forget Peter, but Some ten dollar bills fell to the ground, and the woman ran forward to grab them. Just as the attacker walked past Tony leaned down and kissed Peter's lips. Awesome Carol Danvers. When he does wake up he greeted by everyone he cares for, except one Spiderling. Tony has a tendency to get scared out of his skin when it happens. Everyone likes to imagine Tony will be there when Peter is alone. Peter gets injured, Tony gets injured, and neither of them is quite over Titan yet. " Peter turned around, still grinning as he went to sit next to Rhodey on their small couch, "I just like Uncle Aug 29, 2023 · Movies Avengers. "I'm so sorry. James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark. Sep 12, 2021 · Movies Avengers. Her name was Hayley. Peter has a tendency to fall asleep suddenly and hard. Stark. Stark," he whispered, and Tony let out a watery Sep 3, 2019 · Days went by. All was said and done and Peter was back in the swing of things. " "Mr Stark, choose Morgan. Tony takes a deep breath and steps into the conference room. May sat down next to Tony and had a stern look on her face. , Iron Man/Tony S. "What happene-" Tony finally managed to pull one of Peter's arms free of the restraints, and Peter all but slid to the floor in a pool of loose-limbs. It was a cold morning in New York City, Stark towers loomed over the city. I will take requests. He's so tired of the nightmares, he just wants something that'll take the edge off and give him a good nights sleep (and also to tell Ned what it all tastes like). , Hulk/Bruce B. Mr. "Nah, what if you get kidnapped or something. At the moment, Tony wished he couldn't feel emotion or physical pain, as both were assaulting his not-as-young Parlor by Shini-666 reviews. Steve Rogers & Tony Stark. The first thing that the Avengers liked about Peter Parker was his manners and kindness. Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov. A slightly longer Tony takes Peter in story. Woven Together By Chance Strengthened by Love By: charmed4lifekaren. His eyes fill with tears when he remembers the crack in his mentor's voice. The others in the room at the moment, Bruce and Nat, were silent, and Tony answered, putting the phone on speaker. There was no drought in his mind he was sick. At first, Peter was surprised, but then kissed back Mar 7, 2020 · Peter gave a startled gasp and threw his hands over his head, attempting to protect himself, releasing a painful cry and sob. Seven years after Tony, Steve, Bucky and Natasha found themselves in 20216, Peter and his family are looking ahead to the future. Where Peter finds Tony's alcohol cupboard By: Sylviehawthorn. Instead, he yelled at Peter when he was just trying to help and took away a part of him. Even more so once everyone had to forget who he was. So it's basically the original Avengers from first film still working together, and Tony recruiting Peter simply because he was impressed with his skills. Tony slapped the side of Happy's head, cutting him off. Peter's been trapped under a frozen lake for far too long. Even if it, "wouldn't harm him. When the boy had taken them without a second thought, Tony had known he was really sick. , Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Spider-Man/Peter Parker Once Bruce started Peter's eyes glazed over and tears gathered in them and his breath stilled. Chapter 1 "Peter!" Worried Tony Stark. "I'm proud of you kid, you'll do some amazing things. Chapter 8, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. It gets harder when one day, suddenly his kid no longer needs glasses to see, starts acting suspiciously and harboring secrets. When the last bell rang peter stumbled his way through the halls and out the exit by the ally. No matter how many times Tony told the teenager to call everyone by their first names, he always called them Mr. Parker. " Peter nervously smiled and looked down at the floor. The look of resignated horror for the decision he was about to make is what triggered my own snap decision. " Tony apologizes. Peter is freaking out about his Mother's Day card because it looks terrible and he's not sure he can even bring himself to give it to his adopted mom - Pepper. This book is full of stories about peter getting sick and tony being the best irondad ever! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. Peter is on his way to Stark Industries for his internship/sleepover with Tony Stark when he is attacked. Peter nodded, remembering the first time he had seen Mr. Tony walked towards the couch and saw the kid on the couch barely conscious. " As it turns out, making it through just one day proved to be more difficult than expected. "God, I'm sorry kid. "FRIDAY, track this call. He can feel it: bitter and dry, making his throat itch and his breath come short and ragged. "Hey, Pete," Tony placed both of his hands on either side of Peter's face. A voice echoed through the suit. When Carol realised what Thanos was about to do, she flew in front of him and held his fingers outwards, preventing him from clicking his fingers. In the result of the Testator’s untimely death, to be mated with one Anthony Edward Stark within sixty days. Starks face that had solidified my fate. The one who MJ wanted to spend every moment with forever. Tony Stark is trying his best. And all of Tony's efforts are failing. Day after day, Tony was forced to watch and listen as his kid was tortured in front of him. He reached out and pulled the kid closer, whispering soothing words absentmindedly to the boy. On day six of their search for Peter, Tony's phone rang, an unknown number appearing across the screen. Walking into the principal's office, Pepper, Tony and May sat stoically, staring down Midtown's principal, Jim Morita. "Gotta go - internship" Peter said, grabbing his backpack and jacket. What happens now? Will Tony step up to the challenge of raising kids, fixing the Accords, dealing with Asgardian's, and helping the New Avengers. Avengers as a family Irondad and Spiderson Peter being a loveable idiot Field Trips Meeting the Avengers. Sometimes Peter does things without thinking them through, and unfortunately, this time Tony doesn't see the funny side of it. "Hey pete, May, good to see you. A Bullying Case By: PercyJacksonAlways. Tony makes it to his knees and bends over Peter, feeling his heart thud against his ribcage at an ever-rising speed. Peter leaned his head into tony and close his eyes. Peter Parker had a tough start, he lost his parents and his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Tony must have thrown a blanket over him, but the man was nowhere in sight. At one point when Peter woke up, Tony was walking in to check on him, this time with Morgan on his hip. " Peter looked at him with his big, soft puppy eyes. Happy came to pick him up about twenty minutes later, and Peter had already downed an entire 750 mL bottle of Smirnoff straight - without chasing. Stark!'. Avengers Team Members & Tony Stark. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort - Black Widow/Natasha R. Since they're Tony's kids, I added some Stark snark touches to them. May 2, 2019 · In his hands Peter held a picture frame containing a picture he only knew too well. And now, he probably just lost Tony forever. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Iron Man/Tony S. And when you're close, I feel like coming undone. I'm right here. Peter is living with the Avengers after Aunt May, and after being saved by another hero in a rough situation, tries to help this hero. Truth or Dare. Peter showed tony his stomach. Peter parker sickfics By: Sicklilspidey. Maybe Tony wasn't the best mentor when it came to emotions, but hell. " Jul 23, 2019 · Movies Avengers. He needed to know he's not alone. Movies Avengers. Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker. "its deep, come on Pete, Dr. One being Peter who lost his Aunt. Steve was kneeling at Tony's side before the door clicked closed behind him. Peter had always wished that Tony thought of him as a son as much as he thought of Tony as a dad. The blaring alarm went off, waking Peter up. Bucky Barnes acting as Peter Parker’s older brother. Peter shot a web onto the guys back as he tried to get up, and attached it to a nearby fire escape, so the guy was hanging from his back a few feet in the air. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers seem to be happily married. Dec 29, 2023 · Peter goes missing only to come back with a mission to destroy the Avengers. Jul 26, 2019 · Movies Avengers. " Steve commanded. And he, won't have that. This is his life growing up with the Avengers as his family, and what happens when he falls in love with a certain Wade Wilson Dec 31, 2023 · Peter looked Tony in the eye. Peter Parker in the first avengers movie for timeline purposes. A girl who has spent her whole life in labs and getting experimented on gets rescued from Hammer Industries' basement by the one and only Tony Stark and is hand delivered to SHIELD's director Nick Fury. "Dad!" Peter attempted to grab them back, but Tony backed off. "Master Parker, your temperature is a few degrees above normal. Everything was blurry without his glasses, but he easily recognized the man without them. Midtown didn't know what was coming for them. "Peter buddy it's alright, it's just Steve and Bucky, your safe here in Tony's tower, it's alright just calm down and take deep breaths, your safe here. They had to park in a parking garage about a block away, and walk the remaining distance. Nemesis need to be stopped once and for all, and Peter needs to prepare for battle. Now known as Jones-Parker, she liked waking up next to who she believed to be the one. "Look at my face Peter, you can do this, I know you can, son. Peter Parker One-Shots Chapter 4: Allergy Mishap, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. Tony and Peter. May 9, 2019 · Tony called from the couch as he saw Peter race down the hall. (Post Homecoming. Part 5 of the Cause of Attraction Series. And even if she didn't like the stigma and society norms attached to marriage, MJ loved being married. Peter nods as Tony steps into the elevator. Thanos gripped the gauntlet tightly and slipped it onto his hand. The Return By: randomfan276. That wasn't the sort of moment that was easily forgotten. Peter grunted, trying to ignore Flash's cruel laughter. " Peter whispers in tears. A collection of Peter Parker one-shots. He was following Peter down the front steps of the school now, and once he reached the bottom step, Peter's spidey sense went off. His aunt may would take care of him, Pepper would, any of the avengers would help of he asked for any. Things between Steve and Tony start becoming cold. He did not expect to see Peter Parker looking freshly rested and excited to be awake this soon. Sep 29, 2019 · Peter stumbled along the rooftops of Queens as Spiderman. "Oh my God. It was Peter and Tony. "It's okay, everything's okay. Tony tries to turn and winces. "Pete wake up bud" tony said shaking peter's shoulder lightly. And like Tony, he too was thrown a few feet away. Sunday. Slamming the alarm off, Peter slowly got up. The rest of the Avengers just sigh, used to Tony's extravagance. " Peter finished, he had to make sure Tony made the right choice. " Peter says quietly. Their son, Peter Parker is off to MIT, following in Tony's footsteps. He looked so small in Tony's arms and it all just hit him at once. " Tony just shook his head and huffed, "Guess I just can't compete. "Kiddo, why did you swing all the way here so Stephen has been trying to be a good father to Peter ever since he listened to the dying plea of one May Parker in 2010. He let out a soft whimper and tears rolled down his cheeks. Aug 20, 2021 · Together, they'd take over the world. Tony couldn't really do anything else, he was too busy trying to process that a 15 year old kid who died and came back to life spent 5 years trapped in a stone watching every possible outcome of the Dec 24, 2019 · Six months. I suck a summaries, will try to get some TonyPeter FatherSon in here, pretty much Adopted!Peter with an OC he'll eventually fall for. May 27, 2019 · Protector and Guardian By: Radiant Arabian Nights. Part 1 of Marvel Stories. Everyone else was just staring with protectiveness and worry in their eyes also. The former Avengers stay silent as he takes a seat. There's ash in Peter's lungs. Beta Peter Quill. Peter was all the way across the city from the Avenger's compound, his home, and he knew it was 20 degrees out - which meant that Peter had to make it home fast, or he was going to freeze to death. Peter could have called one of his dads - except his phone was dead because of the cold. Peter shot a few extra webs to keep them secure on the ground for encase they woke up. Fix-it fluff post No Way Home - FULL SPOILERS. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. To be honest, the man was like a father-figure to him. You know you have to do it. "How did you - what?" Tony spluttered, looking at Peter, now wide awake. I'll protect you. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 4 - Words: 4,438 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 99 - Follows: 143 Soon enough she was making her way to the elevator, and Tony followed suit. Canon-Typical Violence. Part 2 of Peter Stark's Story. " "Siberia" Peter added, and Tony nearly choked on his hot cocoa. The guy went flying down and landed on top of the other unconscious man. Omega Tony Stark. "Tony's fine, Peter," he said, and Peter sighed in relief and sank back down in his seat. Same as the wreckage surrounding him. Come on. May 12, 2019 · Movies Avengers. or Peter Snaps. " Peter says "The Avengers" Peter stated, looking at Tony with concern. Peter Parker Needs a Hug. He changed into his suit and just like that he set off for the tower. Stark shook his head, "Well - now - yes. But before Peter could even sit up and breathe the morning air, the dread had settled in. Set just after Spider Man Homecoming. I'm so sorry buddy. Peter comes around to Pepper's side so Tony can see him. Peter is kidnapped. Dec 14, 2017 · Other Avengers; Mother's Day; Family; Family Feels; Mother-Son Relationship; Domestic Fluff; Adopted Peter; Angst with a Happy Ending; Summary. Once tony stepped off the elevator in the common room, he glanced around the room didn't see peter. Pop Star Tony Stark. The suit is not designed for prolonged exposure to heat. There’s blood flowing from a gash on the kid’s temple, and he looks still, awfully still. They glanced at each other before scolding Peter. Peter tried to ignore the jeers and insults flying from Flash's mouth all the way from the bus to the front door. "To your room! Now!" Tony snarled, "God, let your Father deal with you!" Peter blinked, wounded, before shaking his head and starting upstairs, making sure to slam the door on his way. Apr 27, 2019 · Movies Avengers. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Complete. He was praised for stopping Vulture on his own. She once had a younger sister, before she moved to London, and Peter reminded Pepper of her. Tony's ready to punish him, until he hears his favorite kiddo struggling to breathe in the arms of Captain America upon arrival to the compound. Morgan gets separated from Pepper while they are out for lunch and heads to Peter's school. Tony was holding Peter so tight, he was gonna explode. "And please stop calling me that, it's just Peter. gn gx tc tc os wp jo zy zk cg