Arduino passing multiple variables to functions

Arduino passing multiple variables to functions. I have no idea what "in analog mode" means in May 2, 2017 · It also means that any changes you make to the parameter inside the function are not reflected outside the function, they are two separate variables after all. 931 3 19 32. This gives you the ability to change x and y dynamically, if needed. Here is the original Code with pngDraw(PNGDRAW *pDraw) function which works fine: Dec 3, 2015 · Hello, i'm new to arduino. struct MyStruct { int index; } myStruct; The struct is initialized with myStruct. int x[]; and int *x; are basically the exact same. In "outval", the function returns twice the "inval" value". mellis November 2, 2007, 4:46am 3. byte y = 0x35; In the above, y is the symbolic name of variable which as been assigned an initial value 0x35. Oct 20, 2020 · what you want is actually called passing by reference. You'll have to excuse my code, I was too quick on the Post button. If you only want to calculate a once, pass it into the function as a parameter. I used 'Example 5 - Receive with start- and end- markers combined with parsing'. But I bump into some glitches that I am still trying to wrap my head around. Otherwise, we would need to build this knowledge into the called function itself or, worse yet, place the array size in a global variable. trilife: Mar 7, 2011 · q. Nov 1, 2021 · Arduino: How can I pass multiple variables to a function?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. – user31481. In the following declaration, y is an ordinary variable. Jan 16, 2014 · But, global variables have one big advantage in that they retain their values from one iteration of the function to the next. Curr & Prev both passed by reference. We will assign the value 5. Stop putting that operator in the argument, either construct your new string first, or pass multiple strings as multiple arguments. - a pointer) to a function expecting a long. Hi I am trying to figure out how I can get multiple outputs from the function I have for creating 8-bit RGB values. e. void setup() {. Sure, a global variable (as shared) can be used in any function (which can see it). The answer is correct, the code compiles and correctly passes the pin number. Jun 16, 2012 · For i to have been a global variable it would have had to be defined before any functions and then your code would have worked. // Do something to variable. Print ("hi") and print (17178) are using different overloads, the sinatures May 8, 2013 · This is the best and most robust was way, and allows you to ensure that the input is valid. Every variable declaration outside the scope of a function/method is global. read(); Limit = Wire. ValveCurA[0]), CURRENT_AVERAGE); The problem with your "MoveAverage" method is that is does not take "Values" as a "changeable argument". x=x. *LEDfunc) (intensity); This, obviously, doesn't work. fcn2(*variable); } This function takes a pointer to an integer as parameter, and then passes the value of the integer to the second function. The value of y resides in a RAM location of the MCU (fig-1). It is designed to create formatted output. I'm wondering if one is preferred over the other. Sep 10, 2020 · A 3 part answer: a) if you would handle the numbers also as char, than you don't need 4 functions. One of the things I want to do is have running averages set up for each reading so I can see the average for the last minute/hour/day. Is it possible? Or should I just create a new function to rotate my step motor to the other side? Feb 13, 2023 · The types in your code don't make sense. It also makes it simple to copy a function into a short test sketch that has none to the rest of the project to confuse things. Jan 17, 2017 · How can I pass the "mode" parameter in "void zero_crosss_int()" using "attachInterrupt()" Simple answer: You can't. I am trying to use a variable across multiple tabs in Arudino. I want my program to be more readable than it is now just printing out values Apr 5, 2013 · So, here's a small problem I'm facing right now -> I'm trying to write a function that will accept a char* message and a variable number of arguments. It should be OK now. int globalIntVar = 5; Then, on the setup function, we will start a serial connection. print(F("Time: "); Serial. May 16, 2016 · I'm working on a arduino mini/leonardo project to set up a USB connected Leonardo on a pi to monitor it's power source (a solar charged battery pack). Example. void fcn1(int &variable) {. Globals have their place, where you need a value available everywhere. In the first line inside the function I used the value HIGH as a fixed value. There are two required functions in an Arduino sketch, setup() and loop(). The parameters are data to pass to function when it Sep 27, 2017 · See the sprintf () function. c = 'z'; return q; } Piplodocus March 7, 2011, 6:17pm 4. It means you can pass a lot of data into a function using a single "struct" variable. I think i've forgotten how to return variables and pass the returned values into a different function(As you can see at the bottom of setup). Not a good practice but works without to ask about "function pointers". Passing a function (which is a pointer to the code) is possible. String startStringOne = "This is some text I want to pass to the function"; String startStringTwo = "This is Feb 22, 2023 · Using Arduino Programming Questions. 2. Anyway, I do like jimLee's idea of putting the switch statement into the . Easily get people hooked up. Which version of the function (overload) that is use is based on the signature of the function. Does anyone know if its even possible to pass arguments to an interrupt function? Basically what I am looking to do is add 1 to a pointer to an int I have defined in my Mar 10, 2014 · Using Arduino Programming Questions. Variable that need to persist values AND be shared are candidates for being global. It is called ooverloading a function. ino using the same library would have the functions and variables of the same name accessible, but as it is compiled to othe program, the values assigned in one sketch would not be visible in other sketch. // this code will never be executed. It represents the real body of the function. The environment Arduino created is great. var parent=function(one) { //something var child=function(one Apr 27, 2019 · int sumAB = sum(a,b); } Start by reading this kind of code like a computer would: with the main function. What to do ? I know I can use "extern" keyword. Change your callback method declaration to: function hsl_callback (hObject,eventdata) % Retrieve k and vars k = get ( hObject , 'Value' ); vars = get ( hObject Jul 30, 2016 · it actually is not called there; It's a callback. You could look at some example code from the Arduino IDE to see how this works. Because arrays are pointers, you're passing arrays by 'reference'. I could declare this variable in the global scope, but I do not like to do that. Feb 4, 2016 · 3. I want to be able to pass multiple instances of the structure into the function via a pointer. I also want to add the targets size (0-160) and send that Feb 2, 2024 · parameters: Input values or variables passed to the function (optional). print("Hello"); Here we call the function “print ()” from the object “Serial” and we pass the parameter “Hello” (a string). but it is poor practice to define all variables as globals, but we can often get away with it because our programs are small. Essentialy, I'm trying to write something like that: Apr 9, 2010 · Forum 2005-2010 (read only) Hardware Interfacing. You have multiple problems here. Yes, static variables do, too, but passing a reference to a static variable to another function is confusing, in my opinion. As an example, we will create a simple function to multiply two numbers. . First one: You have a global variable: unsigned int frqON; However in your exec function you're creating a variable of the same name and writing to it. 3), so we could just as easily say int sumAB = sum (2, 3); Jul 23, 2008 · Write your own massDigitalWrite() function that takes as an argument an array and an array length. obviously the code below won t do anything void setup() { increase Apr 25, 2017 · The functions have the same name (print), but accept different data types. Parameter passing is usually more memory efficient because the memory allocated to the parameters is automatically de-allocated when the function returns to the main program. In that, it is a way to use the same method on different data. For example, I would make the following definition: int one [5]= {2,3,4,5,6}; // 5-number array to pass along. But when I pass it to the function and print from there the data is incorrect and as you can guess, none of my LEDs blink. int Step 1 {. It’s your go-to function if you’re looking for a more efficient way to combine text and variables into a string for output to the Serial Monitor. Feb 10, 2019 · That variable goes out of scope immediately, so that code is as useful as: { } Now, NONE of the paths through that function return a value, so what the called gets is whatever sh*t was on the stack when the function was called. This means that you are using the same variable inside and outside of the function. x is taking on multiple values in my program. Is there anything wrong with using global variables to pass values that are needed by multiple functions? In regards to global variables, I don't understand the difference between a static global variable Dec 2, 2019 · We have used function parameters before, even though you might not have been fully aware. Dec 4, 2012 · You are not passing five arguments, you are passing one argument and using the overloaded + operator of the String class to construct that argument. More about objects later. In Arduino you can't avoid global variables. Pass Array by Array Type. The & operator only means "address of" in different situations. If you change foo, bar also changes and vice versa. Jan 28, 2024 · make this variable static. In today's lesson we learn how to pass variables and paramet Feb 10, 2024 · I am presenting a short tutorial for you on "Pointer Variable". Just use floor(num) to get a (if you need it outside the function), and return b from your function. Ideally, I'd be able to have multiple instances of my structure using something like: MyStructureType new_struct; And then pass that newly initialized struct to the function. . print () to display the formatted string. Oct 23, 2009 · system October 24, 2009, 1:00am 5. Apr 7, 2012 · Direction = Wire. type. I then want to pass that new information back over to the Feb 16, 2016 · Pass by reference is the stone cartwheel ancestor of the magnesium hub of class instances. You need to have that function access any data that it needs via global variables. The function "readln_ACode" is supposed to return four integers, read from a comma separated values file on an SD card. The usual way to handle this in C is to pass the array into the function and modify it. C++ can never pass an array by value, because of the nature of how arrays work. So I decided to incorporate passing function parameters by reference in my actual code. The struct variable is passed by value, meaning a copy of it is passed instead of the original variable. I would like to know if there's a way to pass the values HIGH and LOW as a parameter in this function. Presumably, you're trying to use the variable in a function called (directly or indirectly) from loop. You can pass Arduino struct type variables to a function in the same way that you use any other variable argument. If you need the files to share a particular variable you can pass the pointer into the library: char* p_myVar; void setMyVar(char* p_value){ p_myVar=p_value; } //In your sketch: setMyVar(&myVar); Jun 28, 2017 · But it depends, to use the pointer method, the array (struct) must be global, local to the calling function (in which case you must pass the pointer in), or static in the called function. Whereas the rest of 'setup' before the functions Nov 10, 2019 · the important parts of my program are 'void RecvWithStartEndMarkers()' and 'void ParseData()' that came from 'Serial Input Basics - updated - Introductory Tutorials - Arduino Forum'. The RAM location has an address. Put pinMode (BIN_LED, OUTPUT); in your setup() function to make your code light an LED. SendMsg("Hello World"); SendMsg function. Hello Everone, I am trying to modify the function, to pass the argument (xpos, ypos) to the function to be able to write the multiple images on display without defining the multiple functions. For example: Jun 30, 2016 · pointsplitter June 30, 2016, 10:31pm 1. begin(9600); pinMode(redP, OUTPUT); pinMode(blueP, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenP, OUTPUT); Rval = 0; Gval = 0; Feb 6, 2015 · sketch_feb06a:4: error: too few arguments to function 'void test4Fun (int, int)'. Then one can focus attention on whichever function is of interest and ignore all the code in the others. If the slave will assign the values received to "a" and to "b" and the master sends first the state of the pin 5 and then the state of the pin 6, the result will be like this: a=pinState5, b=pinState6. robtillaart: You can also define a struct containing all the variables that you need and let the function return that. The attachInterrupt() function expects as the second argument a pointer to a function that takes no arguments. The start of the function is : void LCD_2(char LCDdata[],int Spos){ In the Loop, I call it with : LCD_2("Home", 0); The above solution is working, but I want to replace the "Home" (hard coded text) with a variable. What you're doing is passing an address (i. You can't get two values back from a function, that is not the way C is built. Then you use the sprintf () function to combine our text and variables into a string. Passing by reference in C/C++ is done by adding a & after the parameter's type, (int& byRef). char buffer[40]; 4 days ago · The return keyword is handy to test a section of code without having to "comment out" large sections of possibly buggy code. If you only need to use a variable in a single function, you can declare it there, in which case its scope will be limited to that function. It's really doing a lot of things that were always done, but in a more Anyway what is used is the text of the library, not the values assigned to variables in one sketch. First problem narrowed down: const int rows = 4; const int cols = 3; int pixels[rows][cols] = {HIGH}; Jan 7, 2017 · TASKX -> DISPLAY_TASK this way variable would have certain flow, and you would make sure that you always have all data in one place. system February 14, 2012, 10:08pm 4. Its a really useful way to manipulate data and "send it back". I planned on having the values passed back using a json string over serial so I added ArduinoJson to the Sprintf() stands for “string print format(ted)”. That's the beauty of OO. Jan 7, 2020 · The variable s is then just a pointer to that array. It would be great if someone can help me out. In the end, the volume should be outputted to the LCD screen, but it just outputs '0'. Jul 14, 2017 · ATE-ENGE. 7. C++ passes arrays to functions by reference i. From my understanding so far if you want to do this you need to define the variable in the main project tab so it will become a global variable. So, for just a few values, passing the address of the variables to change may be easier. A word of warning though, on AVR Arduino boards, floating point is disabled by default. curr = analogRead(port); The function name consists of a name specified to the function. Serial. Have this function run a for loop that loops through the array and calls digitalWrite() on each element. Where I want 'x=' to be printed as characters on my serial monitor and where the other x is a variable. WE have learned in earlier lessons that is it poor programming practice to use global variables. Let’s take a closer look at each line of code. All of them contain some text and a sensor value or a function. after the pasted code. Basically I am trying to write a reusable function to print different values when called. You could use the same paramater in all structs (pvParameters in taskCreation), so you would point to the same structure, in this case to protect data you could use mutex during write to variable (so you know only Jun 28, 2022 · I do not understand why it is a problem changing a global variable within a sub function. I wanted to replace the debugging tab to simplify the code and to Jun 3, 2020 · anon57585045 June 3, 2020, 6:28pm 4. Having a problem passing a string, or text, to a function. Other functions must be created outside the brackets of those two functions. Optional arguments are defined in the header file or function prototype, not in the function definition. Pass Array by Pointer Type. The end goal was a function that compares two two dimensional arrays, which are the old and the new state of a x by y led matrix. No. I am also using a variable y. h> // Use Arduino library for the IMU on the Nano 33 IOT. void fcn1(int *variable) {. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to Jan 14, 2015 · The function definition must declare the variable as being passed by reference. 2) and b with the value of b (i. All this on the one line. You need to declare the function parameter as a reference to link it to the variable in the calling function. My function will modify the message a little, and then It'll call printf with the message and given parameters. As of late 2023, Arduino has made significant advancements in struct handling, making it easier to use and more efficient. I have utilized strcpy (as you see in my attached code) with the address of the variable as parameter 1 and the results of the ArduinoJSON function as parameter 2. Feb 14, 2012 · and get two back. I get (in analog mode) 61360 when the alarm is off and 1 when it's on. Implementation and Usage. But what if the variables are initialized ? Nov 6, 2022 · 1. Before, in the setup-function the data is correct. This need is for less than 10% of the time. Jul 24, 2017 · You don't need to pass them. Jul 1, 2023 · Periodically, but not frequently, I wish to return the value of a variable of type byte that is declared inside the CarDataInput() funtion. Finally, you’ll tell Serial. ino - so other sketch. – Robert Harvey. This will be done with pots. I want to split the source file and put group of functions in another source file. Problem: It seems that the void print() function does not return / expose the variable tweet inside the void loop(). sdg123 February 22, 2023, 12:49pm 1. Copying such a pointer is very cheap, so you can easily pass the pointer as a function argument. system April 9, 2010, 3:46pm 1. A global variable is a variable that is not declared inside any function. 1 Like. 1. PRNT prints the conversion values OK, but NOT the conversion names. I will have a switch that will clear the OLED screen and display set time and set timer. One small detail is that since a static array must have its size determined ahead of time, you cannot make the array size differ from call to call, so it would have to be a fixed size, and one would need to ensure that it was large enough for all things that were put Feb 1, 2015 · The function returns "true" if the first parameter is even; "false" if it is odd. So declare alarm somewhere before setup if you need it to be global; that however is more than likely not necessary. New Developments in Arduino Programming. Jul 14, 2015 · Hi, am new to Arduino. " Now, because your function now knows where pinA lives in memory, it can change its value via the process called indirection. b) if these char array represents the segments to switch on / of : char H [] = {"11001011"}; you don't need an array of 8 bytes at all. Apr 4, 2012 · I have a function that receives a char and displays it on an LCD screen. void loop() {. it can be nothing, one or more parameters. for the above mentioned code the current statement is. mschindl February 16, 2019, 6:04am 1. you can put your LEDs in ONE byte (instead of 8) if you handle each bit: Jul 22, 2017 · Hi, So far, I've been using global variables to pass values for integers between functions that need to use and modify them. The PRNT function is intended to reduce code by eliminating the need for multiple prints for each and every unit conversion function. Alternatively you can pass an array pointer in and get the function to modify what it points to. Sep 12, 2009 · Lets say that we have a struct and we want to create a function that increases the index by one. Jun 14, 2019 · No, define it as a global variable. cpp file. the Jul 4, 2014 · Ideally loop() has 6 or 8 lines that read like a book to explain the whole program. bool SetLED(int Button, int LED, bool& LED_State, bool& Button_Pressed) instead of copying the value of LED_State and Button_Pressed, a change in a reference changes the variable being referenced. sketch_feb06a:6: error: at this point in file. We set a = 2 and b =3, we then go to get sumAB by calling the function sum (a,b). Method 1. However, its weakness is the lack of a framework to express the relationship explicitly. So, if you need to share values between functions, they have to be globals, unless you want to pass every value as an argument. I have tried, in the pre-setup : char LCD2ah[]; Nov 28, 2022 · Here, the digitalWrite() function called from loop() will be passed a value of 12, since that's the value that was assigned to the variable in the setup() function. Dec 4, 2015 · As Paul pointed out, sticking the address-of operator (&) in front of the variable in the function call tells the compiler: "Don't send pinA's rvalue to the function; send its lvalue instead. The easiest way to do this, in my opinion, is passing by reference. Oct 25, 2020 · Based on documentation, I believe this means I'm trying to copy a const char* variable to a char variable. Kevin77 February 6, 2015, 5:53pm 3. Feb 16, 2019 · Using Arduino Programming Questions. In Arduino, we can declare functions and call them in the main code to work with subroutines. Agree Apr 4, 2021 · Hi All, How can I do this. 17. 3 days ago · First, you’ll create in a character array to save the output string. We begin to see how to work with local variables, and how we can get local Dec 28, 2020 · I'm simply trying to pass an integer to LEDfunc such as: int intensity = 200; (strip1. Aug 26, 2012 · Scott216 August 26, 2012, 5:46pm 1. Parameters. Aug 22, 2018 · In this lesson we learn how to return a local variable from a function in arduino. I'm passing a character array to a function, and I can get it to work two different ways. the code in the ethercard/tcpip. I've read that the alternative to that is to pass by reference. It is not a problem per se, but the use of global variables in large systems, particularly ones with multiple program modules, perhaps programmed by several people, is regarded as bad practice because it is easy to become confused as to the value of such variables when it may be changed anywhere in the Nov 11, 2017 · The arduino-builder program is responsible for mangling the sketch INO file into a cpp file to be fed into gcc. return; // the rest of a dysfunctional sketch here. Jul 4, 2012 · means that the function gets the address of bar1 and can therefore directly access it. ** **[code]** **. Hi, Paul, Nov 2, 2007 · After doing some more searching It seems that functions in C are unable to return arrays : (. Jul 11, 2017 at 13:35. I believe I am either not returning or not passing a variable(To the functions) Correctly. long differenceA(int port, long& curr, long& prev) // Analog Port. When passing my struct to the function xTaskCreate and run it on my Arduino Uno I get a 0 as pin output and 1283 as delay output from the toggle_LED-function. To do it by reference, use an ampersand ( &, not to be confused with the address-of operator). To "call" our simple multiply function, we pass it parameters of the datatype that it is expecting: Jun 30, 2016 · paste your code after that. It doesn't own the array, it just points to it (to its first character). return value: Optional statement used to return a value from the function (applicable when the returnType is not void). When passing an array to a function, normally the array size is passed as well, so the function can process the specific number of elements in the array. system February 6, 2015, 5:40pm 2. Mar 14, 2013 at 17:15. cpp file where the client_browser_cb (this is your callback) is used is: Jun 1, 2020 · Hi, I have put my global variables in the main source file for the library. Return a struct with both values in it, or have your function take pointers to a and b and write the values there. Jan 2, 2022 · @motionchannel It did not work because you have not configured the pin as an output. Then inside my loop I would pass this to the function 'myLED Jan 31, 2010 · This code works, but it hard codes the structure into the function. wildbill June 3, 2020, 6:43pm 5. The closest you can get is to return a pointer to an array, or let it operate on global variables. char msg[] = "Hello World"; SendMsg(msg); Method 2. The modified values will be retained when the function ends. The only thing what the serial monitor shows is Serial Sep 13, 2023 · Passing structs into functions is a common practice that allows for the convenient transportation of multiple variables. int& foo = bar; // foo is a reference to bar. Ive got Roborealm sending a targets position serially to an Arduino which controls a Sabertooth motor controller. The signature is the data type (s) passed to the function. It’s those values we pass between brackets, for example in this line: Serial. So I'm correct in thinking you can't receive multiple variables back from the function, so the only way is to make a struct so the "one variable" contains all the Apr 7, 2019 · This is my first Coding project !! The OLED screen will have the current time, the timer information, and if the relay is on or off to show if the light is on or off. – gspr. sprintf () will format the output into a buffer than then printed using print (). The sprintf function doesn't seem to work when passing multiple variables which is what m trying to do int t1 = 90000; int t0 Sep 27, 2018 · Current = MoveAverage(Value, &(Valves[ThisScan]. Nov 28, 2022 · Here, the digitalWrite() function called from loop() will be passed a value of 12, since that's the value that was assigned to the variable in the setup() function. It is then available for the next function call to use. int bar; // bar is an int. Oct 22, 2022 · Your question means actually: shared variables in functions (which are "global" and outside any function. It is used to call function. I've tried casting and using a reference to it via pointer, but have not been successful. I would just like to pass a variable declared in the same scope as the function call. I really recommend that you get a few good books and learn C++ properly. The problem in the below code is that alarm is only known inside the if block. Mar 7, 2011 · To create a subroutine you type void subroutinename () { do something here}. The simple approach is to use the standard library function memcpy for copying bytes. Jan 18, 2017 · Goal: I want the variable tweet (which outputs either HIGH or LOW inside the void print() function) to turn on and off the LED_BUILTIN. void massDigitalWrite(unsigned char pins[], unsigned char length, unsigned char state) {unsigned char i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) Answer. It means it's passed by reference. The prototypes are added as a block just before the first function declaration in the file. When you send a variable by reference you don't send the information, but rather the memory address of the data. I’ll get into the details shortly, but here’s the main reason you should master sprintf(): Leaner, clearer, less-cluttered code. I will try to use some kind of workaround. read(); system April 8, 2012, 12:15pm 7. The first thing we are going to do is declaring a global variable, of type int, and assign it a value. Either you need to pass the reference or a pointer to the array in order to be able to modify it within the method. means that the variable remains in existence, and retains its contents, across calls to the function. Among other things, it scans the file for function definitions and then adds prototypes for all the found functions. But there are global variables that are used in the functions I'm moving to the second source file. (code goes here) In this context the int means that the function returns an int. Since this is a global variable, its scope extends to the whole program execution. prinln(digitalClock()); Which I wanted to pass to this function. Jan 5, 2020 · The main goal is to pass all of them to a debugging function. Sep 2, 2020 · My PRNT function is intended to receive calculation results from one selected unit conversion function out of many , and print out those results. Most functions that manipulate C-strings assume that the pointer points to an array of characters, not to a single character. // brilliant code idea to test here. May 7, 2017 · The setup code. Parent functions variable are accessible by the child function by default. As I see, it matters the order of the sent data. Right now I've only got the targets X screen position being sent and it seems to work fine. Restriction: The if statement "producing" the tweet must run outside of the void loop(). It can be re-enabled but you have to change the AVR recipe file. Sorry to bother you, but i tried to tackle these problems for three days already and i am pretty lost. system March 10, 2014, 10:52pm 1. patreon. The parameters are optional. Imagine you refrigerator breaks and you need it repaired. This doesn't change the global variable. so you give the system a pointer to the function you want to call back later when something has happened and what is passed to that function is defined by the library. You could pass the variable, or a reference to it if you need to change it, to the function that wants to use it as a parameter. You would think this would be simple but I can't find a proper answer anywhere. The Arduino community continues to grow, and with it, the Aug 27, 2012 · Hey folks. There are two ways to pass array to a function on Arduino. Example code would be as follows. If you want to populate a buffer of bytes then why does your function say this int* buffer?That's a buffer of int not byte. Since we don't have your code, consider this: static int counter = 0; Passing Structs to Functions. index = 1; Now lets say that we want to make a general function that increases ints by one, in order to use it with the struct index or other ints. For example: Dec 18, 2010 · Hi everyone, I am now on the last leg of my library for a trip computer I have been working on for my car. When we call that function, we replace a with the value of a (i. Each parameter includes the data type of parameter and parameter name. Then, in place of "Gosub Step 1" would I just use: Step 1; Nearly, and because it return an int you can also do. In Arduino IDE one can declare a struct in a function like so: (the example below is to read Nano's IMU acceleration sensor data) #include <Arduino_LSM6DS3. I would like to define an array so that I could pass that array (of 5 numbers in this instance) to a function that I have defined. If I define a variable in another tab then it becomes a local Aug 11, 2015 · The slider handle can be passed directly in your callback, and x and y may be stored in the UserData property. The only thing holding me back now is that I cannot seem to pass a pointer to an interrupt I have made in my library. – Apr 6, 2021 · Using Arduino Programming Questions. rc cj iv iq rp aj fy sc jk qn