Arduino custom functions examples

Arduino custom functions examples. In this example project, we’ll establish serial communication between Arduino & PC using the UART serial port. Arduino. piezo buzzer or a speaker. I have been able to write functions and pass, as arguments, custom data types both as objects and as pointers. Use void followed by your function name. The library works with in either 4 or 8 bit mode (i. Copy the syntax and put it outside of everything else, not in loop or setup. I'm new to C++ (your worst nightmare). Make an Arduino work: Define Function. system August 31, 2011, 9:42am 6. Aug 1, 2020 · 1. Get version of library code installed on arduino board. It's just a function that you tell some other function to call under some condition. An object is sometimes called an “instance” of a class. This note table was originally written by Brett Hagman, on whose work the tone() command Jan 22, 2024 · For example, by entering the function name I required into Serial Monitor, and the board executes the function directly. After mastering Arduino functions, you’ll want to write your own. Function makes easier do debug program. Restart the IDE. 1* 10k Ohm resistor (for the push button) A few male-to-male wires. Instead of one mandatory function, to need 2. Configure the led pin as an output pin and set its value to LOW. Step 2: Wiring the Components. 10K potentiometer. DISCONNECT This main function will be called first, and from there, you will call other functions and execute the functionalities on your program. Library inclusion: To use a custom library in your Arduino code, you need to include the library header file at the beginning of your code using the `#include` directive. the question is: how do I retrieve b? Return a struct with both values in it, or have your function take pointers to a and b and write the values there. Extract the . Put "foo" directory under "libraries" under your sketches folder. The appearance of each custom character is specified by an array of eight bytes, one for each row. If you think of a variable as a cup that holds values, you might think of an array as an ice cube tray. Apr 19, 2016 · Moreover, you have not declared the functions CheckEntrySensor() and throwRelayAndCheckStatus() . ) DEFAULT: the default analog reference of 5 volts (on 5V Arduino boards) or 3. You can tweak the contrast later if needed. e. return cbFunction(data); return var*3; // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial. Your "BuildArray" function does nothing of the sort. Jan 29, 2024 · Go to the directory where you have downloaded the . org Oct 27, 2021 · Objects let you access the functions and variables inside of a class. May 15, 2012 · Unfortunately, in my opinion, warnings are disable in the Arduino compile and link process, or the compiler would have told you that you have issues with that code. This library is nice because it includes most of the functions available in the standard LiquidCrystal library. They make it easier to reuse code in other programs by making it modular, and using functions often makes the code more readable. it can help with readability but it can also work against it when you have too many and have to jump all over the file to follow the 'code flow'. Timer1: It is a 16-Bit timer and used in servo library. It was created to promote Hardware Abstraction. Select the main folder (it should have the library’s name) and move it to the “libraries” folder inside your sketchbook. However you do Oct 2, 2017 · Part 1 It is not usually long before new Arduino users discover that although the delay() function is easy to use it has side effects, the main one of which is that its stops all activity on the Arduino until the delay is finished (not quite true, I know, but that is usually how the problem presents itself). Then: #include <foo. To install it, download the ZIP file below, then go to Sketch > Include Library > Add . We also call this example "Knight Rider" in memory of a TV-series from the 80's where David Hasselhoff had an AI machine named KITT driving his Pontiac. There are two required functions in an Arduino sketch: setup () and loop (). Author: Gordon Rudman. This library now supports the "print" library so the formatting Oct 19, 2020 · Loops are used to control the flow of a program. Find inspiration, guides and tutorials. Consider for example you are working on a Simulink model with Arduino hardware and you need to add or integrate library functionality for LCD Jul 4, 2013 · Put their prototypes in a . Validate that the mode is allowed for specified pin. You should see the backlight light up. But that surely isnt the only way of using it. I have tried to create custom parameters for tzapu's WiFiManager library. To calculate a square root of any number the function sqrt() is used in Arduino. Timer0: It is an 8-Bit timer and used in timer function such as delay (), millis (). Apr 4, 2022 · Functions can be declared almost anywhere within a . The following examples address new functions. The goal of the tutorial will be to turn on LED 1 & 3, and turn off LED 2 & 4 when the button is pressed. This note table was originally written by Brett Hagman, on whose work the tone() command digitalWrite(pLED, output); output = !output; } Inside the setup () function, open the serial communication at the set baud rate. Below are the resulting block diagram and front panel for the given code above. I need a function to operate a Servo without knowing which Servo it's operating. You can use the default HSPI and VSPI pins or use custom pins. Set property values for a given resource. 2. And the position within the file does not define the functions scope. The following example sketch creates and displays eight custom characters (numbered 0 – 7). Example: This library has significant performance improvements when used with an UNO (or ATmega328 based Arduino) and MEGA. The first example is distance measurement using ultrasonic sensor. h files. Function reduces the chances of errors. Then include the . Device Control. h files as the IDE won't create them for the . The example sketch TFT_Rainbow_one shows different ways of using the font support functions. h file and it should all work. Features. Mar 7, 2017 · The full Arduino Workshop in step-by-step format can be found here https://core-electronics. The position relative to other code defines the functions scope. @arduino/version. The enum page will tell you to create a new tab. Watch the video for this tutorial here: How Classes and Objects Work in Arduino Programs - Ultimate Guide to the Arduino #20. SYNC (1) - Data is successfully synced between Board and Arduino Cloud. A function declared outside a class or struct is global. Mar 7, 2011 · To create a subroutine you type void subroutinename () { do something here}. When this occurs the new user is usually directed to the BlinkWithoutDelay example digitalWrite(pLED, output); output = !output; } Inside the setup () function, open the serial communication at the set baud rate. println function. Now rotate the potentiometer until one (16×2 LCD) or 2 rows (20×4 LCD) of rectangles appear. h" and click "OK" button. Example code would be as follows. Sep 22, 2016 · Hi there, Yes, mod () is the function that in Arduinoland would be done for example as: y=24 % 7; and here y would be equal to 3 after the instruction is complete. { blinkLED(); } Jan 14, 2020 · I need some clarifications on how to use the custom made void functions. Examples are included with the library, including graphics test programs. Release your finger from the sensor. h. 4 LED’s. multi function shield. An attempt at creating a library that can encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in an easy to use manner. Let’s take an example to understand it. NOTE_FS4 is F sharp, and so forth. This file contains all the pitch values for typical notes. Depending on certain conditions that you can define in the code, you can control whether the program enters the loop or not. May 6, 2023 · 2. void setup () - It includes the initial part of the code, which is executed only once. Read the documentation. The code to be executed is written inside the curly braces within these functions. I cannot seem to create one that uses numbers. Syntax: sqrt (number The MPU6050 IMU has both 3-Axis accelerometer and 3-Axis gyroscope integrated on a single chip. ttfn. Firmata example. Apr 3, 2017 · Creating subroutines and functions - Programming Questions - Arduino Forum. once the function completes what it needs to do, wouldn't it normally return from where it is called (i. The ArduinoIoTCloudEvent enumeration class has three possible events: CONNECT (0) - Board successfully connects to Arduino Cloud. Click Upload button on Arduino IDE to upload code to Arduino. Restart Arduino IDE. This library is based upon the Keypad Tutorial. float ax; float ay; float az; data. All your Arduino program must include those Home / Programming / Built-in Examples Built-in Examples. I am writing a program to control a model elevator and am basing it off a simple "if else" method for determining movement and a stepper motor and variable distances to reach the floor. Either click on the button just below the serial monitor icon and choose "New Tab", or press Ctrl+Shift+N. As already pointed out, that's not possible. We’ll use the timer compare match interrupts (COMPA & COMPB) at the same time. To do this, create an examples directory inside the Morse directory. Here's what I have: Servo myServo1; Servo myServo2; I tried this for my function: void calibrate (Servo* theServo) { theServo->Write(100); } // I called the function with: calibrate &myServo1); That Create a custom character (glyph) for use on the LCD. } void loop() . You can then create an object of the library class and call its functions as needed. Put both files into a folder and put that in the libraries folder. The code is generated with this tool and modified for our test project requirements. The LCD module’s onboard controller has an internal CGRAM that can hold up to 8 custom characters at maximum and you’ll learn how to use it in this example project. I'm stumped. h file. begin(9600); int sum = addTwoNum(0x56, 0x78); //calling the UDF with actual arguments. The Arduino MKR Vidor 4000 libraries contain the APIs and the FPGA bitstream to implement low and high level functions that may fit your needs for peripherals communication, audio and video. For example, NOTE_C4 is middle C. zip library file. cc provides an example of how to do this, calling the myMultiplyFunction as k = myMultiplyFunction (i, j);. septillion July 26, 2017, 3:01pm 3. Function allows us to divide a complex code or program into a simpler one. 0 it now supports mulitple keypresses. Data will be sent every one second. This code contains the setup () and loop () functions. Start by connecting the GND pin to ground and the V DD pin to the 5 V output of the Arduino. Connect the blue anode to digital pin 11. In this last example project, we’ll test multiple Arduino Timer Interrupts. hook-up wires. Usually involves passing a pointer to a function into a class somewhere and the class says ok that's the function you want called when I get to the call-my-callback point. Note that adding a library to the “libraries” folder in the sketchbook will override other previously ExampleLibrary. So, this is my approach: First I define the basic characters, the dot and the dash (di and dah) and all the different Functions make the whole sketch smaller and more compact because sections of code are reused many times. See full list on startingelectronics. 3 volts (on 3. A library to make it easy to encode and decode JWT tokens on the Arduino platform. eg. Inches Arduino, there is no main function. For this tutorial I composed three examples. Arduino board. See all the code you put in loop? That is a function. I'm eager to learn and I've been using FastLED and Neopixel examples to break down my learning for led strip specific functions. Dec 5, 2014 · Here is a picture of the board, a few code examples are available later on in the article. This LED must flash at a specific frequency in a square wave like fashion, I want to be able to control the duty cycle of the pulse too. Dec 2, 2019 · 28. Hereafter wiki pages to use an example: Blink example. For example: int addTwoNum(byte p, byte q); //called forward declaration with argument list. The 4-bit mode requires seven I/O pins from the Arduino, while the 8-bit mode requires 11 pins. Author: Mark Stanley, Alexander Explore, learn and share your Arduino projects with the Project Hub, a community platform for makers and enthusiasts. Supports HMAC-SHA256 out of the box but custom hashing functions can be provided. Aug 23, 2020 · An IR remote and receiver communicate with each other by transmitting and decoding a signal in the form of pulsed IR radiation. Up to eight characters of 5x8 pixels are supported (numbered 0 to 7). The output from the sensor, or the distance is printed on the screen and using the touch screen we can select the units, either centimeters or inches. Jun 10, 2021 · Functions Return Values. Copy code. Here’s how you declare a function in Arduino: 1. addParameter (&custom_HourMeter CustomJWT. Example: long HourMeter = 1234; WiFiManagerParameter custom_HourMeter ("HM", "HourMeter", HourMeter, long); wifiManager. try to return an integer from a function that is declared as void. You should change the OLED address in the following line, if necessary. I thought I could pass the Servo by reference, but the compiler goes nuts when I try. g. See LED state ⇒ LED should be on. Go to repository. You need to declare the function parameter as a reference to link it to the variable in the calling function. Double-check the OLED display I2C address: with the OLED connected to the Arduino, upload this code and check the I2C address in the Serial Monitor. Feb 12, 2024 · Custom Arduino Functions. It improves readability of the code by hiding the pinMode and digitalRead calls for the user. 4 digit 7-segment LED display module driven by two serial 74HC595’s. The R, G, and B leads of the RGB LED should be connected to any PWM pin (digital pins 3,5,6,9,10,11). To display a custom character on the screen Mar 9, 2019 · Plug in the USB connector of the Arduino to power the LCD. Use the Custom Command VI ( Functions Palette»MakerHub»LINX»Utilities»Custom Command) to call the custom function. Give file's name "LED. The function isalpha determines whether its argument is an uppercase letter (A-Z) or a lowercase letter (a–z). zip file. . For example: c++. Excuse me, I need to make a pin pulse with a custom frequency to control an LED. Jul 26, 2017 · A callback is not like an interrupt. The next example is controlling an RGB LED using these three RGB sliders. Use after the name and { to start the function body. It will execute the code present in the function and then move to the following line in the main code Dec 7, 2015 · Overview. You'll have to restart the Arduino environment to get it to recognize the new keywords. This library allows an Arduino/Genuino board to control LiquidCrystal displays (LCDs) based on the Hitachi HD44780 (or a compatible) chipset, which is found on most text-based LCDs. Nov 18, 2022 · custom function. Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE. Next, connect the middle pin (DQ) to any of the digital pins of the Arduino. cpp, foo. Jan 25, 2022 · The String functions charAt and setCharAt are used to get or set the value of a character at a given position in a String. To create a function in the Arduino IDE, you can follow these steps: Define the function: To define a function in Arduino, use the keyword "void" (which means the function doesn't return anything) followed by the function name and any arguments in parentheses. The code is executed line by line, and if we call a function at a line, Arduino will stop at that line and move to that function’s declaration. h files and use #include in the . Feb 6, 2023 · Arduino board. I'm also in no hurry whatsoever and I'm more than happy to learn this as thoroughly as possible rather than trying to get instant results but that means Arduino Timer Interrupt Compare Match Example2. For more info see the datasheet. y = map(x, 1, 50, 50, 1); The function also handles negative numbers well, so that this example. Get the number of seconds the arduino board has been running concurrently. myFuntion(); Feb 11, 2023 · For example I go into the void loop and call function x, I do stuff inside function x but now I want to return to the void loop to do something else. I really appropriate the help from you guys. The car had been augmented with plenty of LEDs in all possible sizes performing flashy effects. @arduino/validatePin. The function is not building it. At their simplest, these functions help you search and replace a given character. This is a simple CW beacon, for the non "ham radio speaking" folks it's a circuit that is keying a transmitter on/off to send a string in Morse code. ax=-1; data. Code. Circuit. In this article we will talk about Functions. loop()). Briefly, to use HSPI and VSPI simultaneously, you just need to. This example will send the string Hello World! from an Arduino to a computer, using the Serial. Jan 4, 2019 · Thank ya robin for your response! Robin2: For my own programming I put the subsidiary parts in . ino file to include them. The Arduino simply doesn't know anything about your function names, until you explicitely write them as strings into your code and compare which you want to execute. (code goes here) In this context the int means that the function returns an int. I usually create functions of piece of code that i want to run multiple times in a function. 3V Arduino boards) INTERNAL: a built-in reference, equal to 1. You need to declare it above the setup () function and define it after the loop () function. //By Michael Klements. Jun 7, 2017 · Timers in Arduino UNO: In Arduino UNO there are three timers used for different functions. Every Arduino sketch has at least one loop – the Quick Steps. See LED state ⇒ LED should be off. Maintainer: Gordon Rudman. For example, if you want to add the 1. It uses MEMS technology and the Coriolis Effect for measuring, but for more details on it you can check my particular How MEMS Serial USB Examples. Arduino custom function forward setup. Copy the code and paste it to that file. I added stuff. 4* LEDs (any color you want) 4* 220 Ohm resistors (one for each LED) 1* push button. Learn the basics of Arduino through this collection tutorials. Void myFuntion (){ Your code here; } To “call” your function in loop. To declare a function in Arduino, you need to specify the function’s name, return type (if any), and any parameters it accepts. Arduino LCD 20×4 I2C Custom Characters Example. Connecting a DS18B20 to the Arduino is fairly easy as you only need to connect 3 pins. int Step 1 {. This is one of the idiosyncracies of the arduino environment versus a plain C++ compiler. For example, the following replaces the colon in a given String with an equals sign: Mar 29, 2015 · To use an I2C enabled LCD on the Arduino, you’ll need to install the LiquidCrystal I2C library by Marco Schwartz. 1 version of the 'Arduino_MachineControl' library, respective information must be introduced to its fields accordingly. Using Arduino Programming Questions. 1* Arduino Uno board (Any Arduino board will do) 1* breadboard. Setup: int multiply(int a, int b) { int answer = a * b; return answer; } Other Examples (Note the data types) RGB LED Common Anode. In Arduino IDE one can declare a struct in a function like so: (the example below is to read Nano's IMU acceleration sensor data) // accelerometer values. h, put both into "foo" directory. ino. Basic Print Example. @arduino/writeDigitalPin. This is the sixth part of a series of articles I’ve written to get beginners started with Arduino Programming in the programming language In the earlier section on custom functions, we defined a bunch of variables, a, b and c, that each holds an integer. As an example: void myFunction()} Optional: Add Parameters Open Arduino IDE, Create an Arduino sketch, called ArduinoGetStarted. Custom functions organize, simplify, and reuse logic. void setup() {. Function isdigit determines whether its argument is a digit (0–9). void myFunction(int arg1, int arg2) {. #include <SPI. In our case, the address is 0x3C. Touch your finger to the sensor and keep touching. The five least significant bits of each byte determine the pixels in that row. Hardware Required. Then, in place of "Gosub Step 1" would I just use: Step 1; Nearly, and because it return an int you can also do. //01/03/2017. Sep 7, 2022 · See all the code you put in setup? That is a function. Besides simplifying code into easily-reused blocks, functions can also return a value. Some dedicated examples based on stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32 are provided thanks the stm32duino/STM32Examples library. Here's an example code that uses the custom `ArrayUtils` library to print and sum an Sep 1, 2012 · Using Arduino Programming Questions. Mar 2, 2017 · Here is an example of a function which blinks the on board LED once. @arduino/uptime. May 25, 2022 · you have your own creative freedom to make functions. Takes in Parameters (Most of the time) Returns a Value. 3 x push buttons. Piezo buzzer. Only supports Arduino Uno, Leonardo and Mega. Jan 5, 2024 · In this document, we will explore how to set it up, using an example from the ArduinoIoTCloud library. DS18B20 temperature sensor interface (not included) Oct 13, 2022 · A program shall contain a global function named main, which is the designated start of the program in hosted environment. using 4 or 8 data lines in addition to the rs, enable, and, optionally, the rw control lines). void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //Assign the on board LED to pin 13. Aug 3, 2016 · Hi everyone, I've tried to make the title as clear as possible for this. There are two required functions in an Arduino sketch or a program i. The array already exists, as a global array. 56 volts on the ATmega32U4 and ATmega8 (not available on the Arduino Mega Mar 17, 2016 · Regarding 'void'. Variables can hold different kinds of data other than integers. Here the brackets aren’t left empty, but instead pass variables into the function itself, and k is set by the return Feb 3, 2019 · For 5 x 8 dot displays, CGRAM can write up to 8 custom characters and for 5 x 10 dot displays 4. Connect the green anode to digital pin 10. This note table was originally written by Brett Hagman, on whose work the tone() command These functions are part of the Arduino core library and can be used to perform calculations in your Arduino sketches. Timer2: It is an 8-Bit Timer and used in tone () function. h>. Note that the "lower bounds" of either range may be larger or smaller than the "upper bounds" so the map() function may be used to reverse a range of numbers, for example. RellikAmor April 3, 2017, 12:27pm 1. Arduino Board The Arduino has two common functions setup () and loop (), which are called automatically in the background. 'void' simply indicates that the function does not return a value. It is possible to find this information using the Arduino Library List or referencing the indexed library on your development environment if you have downloaded it to use within Arduino IDE. Many of the functions have the same structure and syntax of the standard ones for SPI, UART and Wire. It usually depends on the compiler how forgiving it is but it can throw a warning (not tested) if you e. h, and put this in it: enum motion {UP, DOWN, STOP}; void ControlWinch(motion dir); This, then, compiles: Dec 8, 2022 · The LEDS are turned on and off, in sequence, by using both the digitalWrite() and delay() functions . com. The code below uses an extra file, pitches. //The DIY Life. For a common cathode RGB LED: Connect the red anode to digital pin 9. Schematic. The gyroscope measures rotational velocity or rate of change of the angular position over time, along the X, Y and Z axis. SamJBoz October 15, 2019, 1:56pm 1. Apr 24, 2023 · Classes should be KEYWORD1 and are colored orange; functions should be KEYWORD2 and will be brown. It is called as the preparation block. Each cycle of the loop is called an iteration of the loop. In the doc's, they show that the 24 in that expression is an integer, type int. It shall have one of the following forms: int main () { body } (1) int main ( int argc, char *argv []) { body } (2) another implementation-defined form, with int as return type (3) 1 Like. ay=-1; This variation on the For Loop Iteration example shows how to use an array. Aug 30, 2011 · Will do. The Arduino language (which, remember, is C++) has built-in support for a few of them (only the most frequently used and useful are listed here): The Hitachi-compatible LCDs can be controlled in two modes: 4-bit or 8-bit. Jan 26, 2020 · In this line: you are making 4 copies of the structures and placing them in an array. Example Use: Math Calculations. Here are some common maths functions available in Arduino. Sent and detected signal by IR transmitter (left) and receiver (right) (Source: SB-Projects) Infrared radiation (IR), or infrared light, is a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from 700 nm to 1 mm. Rotate the potentiometer until you see a row of rectangles appear. An example of how to create a public Arduino Library, that is automatically uploaded into the Arduino Library Manager for public consumption. All code examples are available directly in all IDEs. system September 1, 2012, 8:41am 1. This can replaced by setup plus loop. setup () and loop (). Examples. au/tutorials/arduino-workshop-for-beginners. Oct 12, 2015 · Hello again. I have looked for examples where I pass simple data types such as long, integer etc but the function itself returns a custom type but no luck. Infraviolet June 24, 2018, 2:35pm 1. Instead you should either create the array directly with the values: {-1, -1}, {-1, -1}, {-1, -1}, {8, 4} And only use the array, or use pointers in the array: and then access the entries as pointers: Oct 15, 2019 · Using Arduino Programming Questions. You can copy the code by clicking on the button in the top right corner of the code field. To communicate with multiple SPI peripherals simultaneously, you can use the ESP32 two SPI buses (HSPI and VSPI). return_type function_name(parameter_type parameter_name) {. The function is called up in the main loop to blink the LED three times. Custom character example code. The following example demonstrates the use of the functions isdigit, isalpha, isalnum and isxdigit. Just use floor(num) to get a (if you need it outside the function), and return b Return Type Function. Procyan: The reference page says: Jun 24, 2018 · Using Arduino Programming Questions. htmlIn this secti Feb 2, 2024 · In Arduino, we can declare functions and call them in the main code to work with subroutines. zip Mar 6, 2023 · Examples. In this example project, we’ll create some custom characters (emojis and icons) and send them to the LCD 20×4 I2C display. For displaying text on the screen, you can do most everything in 4-bit mode, so example shows how to control a 16x2 LCD in 4-bit mode. y = map(x, 1, 50, 50, -100); is also valid and works well. Function avoids the repetition of the set of statements or codes. In previous parts we have worked with two functions already (setup and loop), but in this part we will go deeper into using functions and creating our own. Feb 4, 2016 · long a,b; a = floor(num); b = num * pow(10,6) - a * pow(10,6); return a; return b; When I call the function. As of version 3. Square root Function. Make foo. Events. When you define a function without first declaring it, the arduino preprocessor builds its own declarations, but often does so in a defective way. Serial. If you go that route you need to put function prototypes at the top of the . 1. I understand tat an atmega328p as contained in an uno Jan 22, 2020 · I just made my first tries with callback functions and in an own class-example I made it work: public: float i(int data, int (* cbFunction)(int)) {. ino file, except within another function. 1) First, make sure you include the SPI library in your code. Hello all. begin(115200); // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: Apr 23, 2023 · Check that the OLED display is properly wired to the Arduino. It can be installed thanks the Arduino library manager. 1 volts on the ATmega168 or ATmega328P and 2. To send data between an Arduino and a computer, you will need to the board to a computer with a USB cable. The Arduino UNO board has a main microcontroller Atmega328p and another Atmega16U microcontroller acting as a USB-To-TTL (USB-UART) converter which enables us to send serial data using UART to the PC’s USB port. 4 days ago · The options are: Arduino AVR Boards (Uno, Mega, Leonardo, etc. Aug 28, 2020 · Wiring – Connecting the DS18B20 to an Arduino. It's also nice to provide people with an example sketch that uses your library. In a loop, a block of code is executed over and over again. But there is reason to believe that it can also be type long. Mar 20, 2019 · All functions have to have a valid Arduino dataType at the beginning of the line of code because we use a variable to reference the entire code that will be run between the {} If you want numbers or some sort of result with measurable values, you will have to use a data type that can store those values; examples are int, double, unsigned long Keypad is a library for using matrix style keypads with the Arduino. Nov 6, 2020 · Simulink S-Functions block allows users to create custom simulink block that can be used to implement functions, algorithm, import libraries, implement drivers and interfaces to hardware like Arduino. An array is a variable with multiple parts. ZIP Library: LiquidCrystal I2C. AttachCustomCommand(0, myCustomCommand); Build and deploy/upload the firmware to the device. LinxSerialConnection. Call the wdt_reset () function, to reset the watchdog timer. A function declared within a class or struct is not global. sf ss fs nc qo dl zg pe mk dh